My First Blog, Exciting!
Wow! This is my first blog post on my new website. I am so excited to share and discuss everything that is related to eye surgery, plastic surgery, eating disorders, depression and my favorite subject exercise. This site will never be finished as I wish it to be dynamic and updated constantly. Please return often to see what is going on, you will NEVER see my last postings or update occurring last month, I will be current.
Much of this site is about me and others who have been through a great deal but despite the difficulties have still turned out to be OK. The whole site and my book are dedicated to the message, “No matter what you are going through or have been through, do not give up because you can make it and you can be OK”. Of course, that is easy to say but keep reading to find out what it takes to come back from the dead, almost bleeding to death, breathing through and tube and not being able to open my mouth for 2 months. I was in a severe car crash back in 1984 and it has taken me this long to be well enough and strong enough to put all of this together, including me. I will be talking about the things I know best such as reconstructive surgery, wearing a prosthesis where my left eye once was, rebuilding my life and my health, and battling depression and depression symptoms such as bulimia and other compulsive behaviors.
I have few rules for comments and postings. I don’t care much for rules but here they are:
1. No negative comments to anyone, you will be blocked: if you disagree say something constructive.
2. Eating disorder folks – no weight numbers discussions or anorexic boasting you will be blocked.
3. There is no such thing as a dumb question, ask me what you want.
4. I do not give medical advice nor tell you what you “should” do, I will refuse that but won’t block you.
Category: Jodean's Entries
Cool page!