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  • New Video: New Prosthetic Eye

    New Video: New Prosthetic Eye

    Check out Jodean’s new video! This one documents her trip to Oakland to have a new prosthetic eye created by her ocularist.

  • Jodean Petersen

    Jodean’s Eye

    I’ve added what I consider to be one of my most personal sections to the site that I will ever create – my eye page. On it you will find a complete photographic documentary of my visit with ocularist Steven R. Young of Oakland, California, as I am fitted for a new eye implant. As […]

  • Video: Gym Routine

    Video: Gym Routine

    Here’s my first video for the site, entitled “Gym Routine” – it shows you all the various exercises I do when I’m at the gym. This routine is a great workout and makes me feel great, physically and emotionally. I hope the video is helpful and instructive for you!

  • Jodean's Book

    A word about Jodean’s Book

    I’ve updated the Jodean’s Book page with a detailed look into my motivations behind writing the book, entitled “Stop Surviving and Start Thriving: 6 Steps to be a Better You.” I am targeting having the book out this summer, but in the meantime, definitely swing by the Jodean’s Book page (there’s a link in the […]

The Phoenix Bearing Pearls - Description
[ 0 ] October 26, 2013

The Phoenix Bearing Pearls – Description

The book is a beautifully written emotional roller-coaster, true account of one woman’s triumph over physical loss, emotional abuse, addiction and compulsive behaviors. Despite life’s tragic offerings, the author is able to pursue a path to self-acceptance and recovery. This is an excellent self-help book for anyone searching for inspiration to enable a better existence, and […]

Book Dedication
[ 0 ] October 15, 2013

Book Dedication

For the most rare and beautiful souls willing to trust in the smallest bit of faith their life can become their dreams, this book and its heartfelt contents are for you. That is directly from my heart and if you keep believing you can make or at least the opportunity is there you WILL make […]

Book Excerpts
[ 0 ] October 14, 2013

Book Excerpts

I will be posting up book excerpts and meaning and explanations as well, please stay tuned!

Book is done - only Kindle
[ 0 ] October 14, 2013

Book is done – only Kindle

I am so excited that my book is now available on Kindle. Please search “The Phoenix Bearing Pearls” or my name “Jodean Petersen”. The book is pending approval on for printed copies, but I can wait! I am incredibly grateful to everyone who supported me along the way and for facebook for tying so […]

Guest Blog- Anxiety Disorders
[ 0 ] May 22, 2012

Guest Blog- Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders, Their Symptoms, and Recognizing the Problem Millions of people struggle with anxiety to the point where anxiety has been demonized because of the way it affects people’s quality of life. Yet anxiety is actually an evolutionary tool. It’s the “fight or flight” response – an immediate reaction designed to tell the mind and […]

Instant gratification can be problems
[ 0 ] January 21, 2011

Instant gratification can be problems

Today and most everyday there is an abundance of news and recent articles about the latest weight loss plan or beauty secret. We are constantly bombarded by information telling us how to live our lives better, but have we improved? I am not sure. Reading the latest research I find we are more overweight, depressed, […]

[ 0 ] September 25, 2010

Book Update – Finally

I am choosing to post my book update on the book page. If you read my blog on the bio page, you would find I have been busy and I was having a rough time for a few weeks. I was also in receipt of some major criticism. The criticism I got was good and […]

I've missed you!
[ 0 ] September 25, 2010

I’ve missed you!

Hi Everybody! I am, of course, sorry I have not been on my own website, particularly in light of the fact I said I would not neglect myself or be out of touch with you. A number of things have happened but most of the problem is my working hours have changed and I am […]

More Book 2
[ 0 ] May 5, 2010

More Book 2

This will be a short blog today, but I really could not help myself. I have been thinking about it and I read another cliche’ “feel good”, “don’t worry be happy” post today. If you have been following me for 2 seconds you know I truly appreciate all positive affirmations and it is best to […]

Book progress
[ 0 ] May 4, 2010

Book progress

Hi All, I have been asked about the book lately, thank you! The book is coming along and I am very pleased with most of it. I am my own worst critic like many but I want the book to match my vision for it. I have completed a number of sections and will be […]